Hello everyone and welcome to the 2nd quarter. Just a quick update as far what we'll be covering this grading period. We'll be wrapping up our writing review and begin working more with paragraphs and essays. Our vocabulary/spelling unit will continue throughout the year. We'll be incorporating a few short stories and at least one historical nonfiction to use as a basis for our writing prompts.
Students- if you did not end up with the grade that you wanted then I would encourage you to think back about the frequency in which you turned in your work and how complete if was when you did turn it in. Take a moment and be honest with yourself about where the responsibility falls for your grades. Your parents and teachers can only do so much to encourage you, but you have to take the steps to do better.
Parents- if you have any concerns about your student's performance please feel free to email/call the school/send a note and I will get back with you as quickly as possible.
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