
Hope everyone has had an extremely relaxing and nice vacation, but it's time to get back into the swing of school. Take a moment to look through this site and become familar with it because there will be notes, resources, and assignments posted as the school year progresses.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Teaming up with Art and Research

We are beginning our Famous Artist Research projects today. While most of the work and research will be done in the class some of the work if not completed in class will need to be finished at home. Below are the important dates for research, typing, and due dates:

Research dates- April 15th and 19th
Note Cards & Rough Draft due- April 29th
Typing Final Draft dates- May 3rd and 5th
Final Draft, Graphic, Rough Draft, & Note Cards due- May 9th

If you have any questions please feel free to comment or email me :)
Ms. Wright

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